
I’m a forty-something single man, living in the midwest, who lives with same-sex attraction.  I believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, communicated lovingly through the teachings of the Catholic Church.  Though the Church’s teachings go against the tide of public opinion on the subject of homosexuality, I have found great freedom through the universal call to chastity.  As a middle aged man, thinking back on my time as a teenager, I conceived of this blog as a means to reach teenagers who may be questioning their sexuality.  It has morphed from that original intention, and now serves as my online home where I blog about the Church and homosexuality.  I think and believe that the true radicals today are Catholics, faithful to the teachings of the Church, and it is the message of the Church which brings freedom to all.  I hope, in some small way, to bring some of the Church’s clarity to the subject of same sex attraction through exploring my story and experience with both same sex attraction, and the saving message of the Church.

I can be reached at letterstochristopherblog@gmail.com

22 thoughts on “About

  1. Oh…so Christopher is just a “fictional” nephew…hehe…no matter…great concept for a blog then…and I still think you are a very sincere person, I admire you for the noble intentions behind your blogs, and I still think your real nephews and nieces are blessed to have you for their uncle! God bless!!!

    Wagz 🙂

    And i see you’ve posted about Courage as well… 🙂

    • Yes, “Christopher” is a fictional character, but I’m writing with the intention of reaching someone like Christopher. I’m trying to write what I wished I had heard or been able to read when I was a kid, dealing with all of these things. Thanks for stopping by, and for the encouragement!

  2. You are a God-send. Thank you for writing with such honesty and clarity.I have several friends who have children that have embraced the “gay ‘ lifestyle and abandoned their Catholic faith. Your writings have given them support, encouragement and hope. God is using you to spread His word and accomplish His work. I hope you will know one day how much good you are doing and how important your message of faith is. God bless you.

  3. Thank you for you wonderful website (Blog?) I just discovered it. Thank you also for making being able to post such an easy process even for someone so unteckie as me. I will return often. I wish I had such an uncle when I was Christopher’s age. I do not think of him as fictional. He is many of us. If I may, I ask your prayers and the prayers of all who read this. For strength and fotitude. My gayness was not such a problem until I became the caregiver of my elderly Mother and now live without one friend, far from Home, in a place that is an exile for me. The dark loneliness decends and it is horrid. Thank you and God bless you. Eddie

    • You certainly will have my prayers, and thank you for stopping by my blog. The valleys of life are so terribly hard, and we certainly need the support of our brothers and sisters.

      God bless you, Edward!

    • Eddie,
      I was touched by your comment. God will not forget the kindness and generosity you have shown in taking on the care of your mother. “Blessed are the merciful, mercy shall be theirs.” Your personal suffering in the matter only increases the value of the sacrifice you have made. Using this time to grow closer to Jesus will illuminate the dark night you are in. May I recommend a book by Fr. Michael Gaitley? “Consoling the Heart of Jesus” is a mini retreat in book form. It is amazing. I believe you can order it on Amazon. I am confident you will find it will help to dispel the darkness. You have a friend in Jesus, no matter where you are. He loves you. Prayers going up for you. Peace in Christ, Diane

  4. I’m a 56 year old Catholic man with same sex attraction. For decades, I’ve seen psychiatrists, have gone to Catholic Charismatic prayer groups, to several fundamentalist Pentecostal & other Christian churches to see if I could be prayed over to get rid of this “demon” of homosexuality. I’ve prayed countless rosaries and novenas,too, and nothing has worked so far to get rid of my ssa. Since the mid 80s, I stopped being promiscuous and returned to the church and sacraments. However, my life is surrounded by lonliness and even at church, I can’t connect with the majority of people there, mainly straight families. It’s horrible having to live like this but I will try to remain faithful to my Catholic faith. Please pray for me.

    • I will pray for you. I’m grateful for my Courage chapter here where I live–a few of us just got together Sunday night for dinner. Is there a Courage chapter near where you live? I hope you can come to the Courage Conference this next July at Mundelein. There you’ll be able to meet some companions in the journey. In the meantime, you’ll be in my prayers. God bless you, and thanks for stopping by my blog. http://couragerc.net/Conferences.html

    • You are not alone brother. Just think about the rest of us who struggle with the same thing. We just have to pray for each other. Most importantly you have the love of God to strengthened you day by day. In my case, I like these types of blogs so I can interact with people who are going through the same experiences I am dealing with. By doing this, I like to think that I can help someone to feel better and it keeps me focused on my goal, which is to be chaste. It is less painful if we help each other. So stay strong buddy! Nice name btw!

  5. I say your excellent article at Crisis and I was deeply moved by your eloquence and ability to speak the truth with charity. I too write for Crisis and another publication and I am penning an article on ssa and I could sure use help from your excellent mind and experience to make it more accessible to more people. Would you be willing to provide a little guidance?

    If you are too busy, no problem, I am very grateful for your voice. God bless you! Steve

  6. Pingback: Good judgement

  7. Pingback: Good judgement: Gay and saintly | Deacon John's Space

  8. “The true radicals are Catholics”. Well, that is debatable. I know many Pentecostals and Baptists that are radical. David Wilkerson wrote in his book, “The Vision”, he dedicated a prophetic chapter on a radical group of people that were composed from every Christian group that exists today, including Catholics. Like you, I know, Catholics and Pentecostals that go to Church, go through the form of religion, hoping that their ‘good deeds’ of attending ‘church’ will save them. They, of course, are dead wrong. “Not by works of righteousness that we have done, but by His grace He saved us”. In the end, it doesn’t matter what material body we belong to in this lie, the important thing is are we In Christ Jesus by His Spirit? Hence, “if any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, He is none of His”. Just making a radical point, brother, not condemning, nor am I putting you down.

  9. Thank you Dan for sharing! This kind of testimonials are very important and useful for millions of people around the world. Chastity is not an old-people-crazyness. It change the way you look at people around you, and prepare you to be able to love everyone like God’s love.

    You’re doing a great job, keep it up!

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